
Yes, ma’am!

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This is one of the most well written, versed expose of the scam call Black Lives Matter, an LLC formed in Delaware. What could go wrong? I happen to have the following quote from The Prestige in my office. It says everything that America needs to know at this time in history: “Now you’re looking for the secret... but you wont find it, because of course you’re not really looking. You don’t really want to know. You want to be fooled.”

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A very well researched article and you connected the dots well. The Economist published an article 'Whatever Happened to Black Lives Matter?' describing how the movement had so much promise but seemingly fizzled out. The publication date was May 21, 2020. A key point you nailed was all we really have is to stop funding the marxists. Great job Jeff.

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May 24, 2023Liked by Jeff Daukas

Thanks Jeff for presenting the truth about BLM. So few media outlets have presented what is behind the curtain. It will always be hard to believe how so many people can be fooled to believe the lies. I pray that men like you eventually are positioned where you can do more. I'm Praying. Donna Fawcett

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Jun 5, 2023Liked by Jeff Daukas

Another excellent piece 👍

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Different names but the same tactics and goals. It's actually become easy to detect. This is similar to what we were chatting about on your podcast; they realize people don't like "Defund the police" so they try other names like "Reimagine the police." {Sigh}

Great article. I always learn something new, and this article wasn't the exception. Thank you for being a strong voice in a sea of lies and pompousness.

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