Wonderful debut. Once again you read my mail and provided needed inspiration. Objective truth has been denied too long and people are responding.

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Subscribe on Apple or Spotify or Amazon or iheart for now

I will keep posting the new episodes as well...

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Thank you for this! I'm also seeing more voices of truth starting to emerge. It gives me hope.

We must all keep speaking the truth and standing up for what's right, regardless of how intimidating it may feel. The alternative is to continue to live in a state of chaos & insanity.

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Agreed! I just updated to reflect the actual mixed podcast. I encourage you to download from Spotify, Apple, Amazon. It's under Trust the Truth with Jeff Daukas. I am going to do a weekly segment and post through substack as well!

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You're not by any chance on Pandora?

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No.... haven’t gotten there yet :)

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That's ok, I'll try one of the other platforms. If that doesn't work, I still get alerts when Substackers publish new posts. : )

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